Te Kaporeihana Āwhina
Hunga Whara


Te Kaporeihana Āwhina
Hunga Whara

ISSC (Integrated Service for Sensitive Claims) is a section under ACC.
Sensitive Claims help us provide therapy to clients that have experienced sexual abuse.

What does this mean for you, our client?
ACC covers costs for counselling or therapy if you are in need of support after experiencing sexual abuse. This service is fully funded, and there are also services available for your family and whānau. You can start whenever you are ready, and go at a pace that works for you.

If you want to find more about this service, you can call 0800 101 996 or email: Otherwise, find LH&A contact info at the base of this page, give us an email or phone call, and we’ll discuss the options available for you.

If you need more counselling sessions
If your counsellor thinks you need more sessions after you’ve finished, they'll let ACC know. We'll all work with you to make sure you get the right support you need.