

“The passionate dedication of one person to put his or her mind in the service of someone else’s mind.”
— Warren Poland, 2018
photograph by Ben D’Ath

photograph by Ben D’Ath

Every step forward is only half as big as it looks at first.”
— Sigmund Freud, 1937

Why choose Psychotherapy?

People choose psychotherapy for many reasons.
It’s likely that you’ve tried the quick fix of self-help or cognitive therapy and you are looking for a more in depth understanding of yourself and a more relational approach from your therapist.

Perhaps you are feeling stuck in a repeating theme in your intimate relationships and wondering why each new beginning seems to end up in the same difficult and unsatisfying dynamic.

Maybe you’ve always been a seeker,
or someone who wants a meaningful life, but it’s hard to find your creative outlet.

Does protecting yourself from reminders of abusive childhood experiences or traumatic losses keep you lonely, stuck and closed off?

Psychotherapists don’t try to “fix” you or your problems. We endeavour to hold open a safe and reflective space for you as you talk about your thoughts and feelings, and wonder about the patterns underlying them.

We are only aware of the tip of our conscious experience, while the greater unconscious content lies, like the bulk of the iceberg, beneath the surface of our minds.

When unresolved conflicts and traumas are understood, we can bring compassion and life-giving energy to our the hurt and closed down parts of ourselves.

Surfer at Back Beach, photograph by Ben D’Ath

Surfer at Back Beach, photograph by Ben D’Ath

“In blocking off what hurts us, we think we are walling ourselves off from pain. But in the long run the wall, which prevents growth, hurts us more than the pain, which, if we will only bear it, soon passes over us. Washes over us and is gone”
— Alice Walker