
You can get in touch with Lynne here


Concerns and Complaints

All of our kiritaki who are seeking treatment and recovery with Lynne Holdem & Associates have the right to

be treated with dignity and respect

be treated fairly and have your views considered

have your culture, values and beliefs respected

a support person or persons

effective communication

be fully informed

have your privacy respected

make a complaint

be involved in decisions about your recovery 

ask for more information about ACC and your rights

If you are concerned about the behaviour or conduct of your ACC counsellor or therapist you may choose to make a complaint or if you have any concerns, here are your choices:

Consider first raising your concerns with your Provider to seek explanation or resolution, complain to the Provider’s professional association or registration body, contact your ACC Recovery partner to discuss your concerns and advise you.

The LH & A complaint form can also be used to raise the concern with Lynne Holdem who will consider the information given and make contact with you to provide advice and next steps. Lynne Holdem may discuss your concerns with your provider with your permission and will consider informing ACC of your concerns if there is a safety matter or a breach of the ACC Code of Claimants Rights.

If your complaint is about Lynne Holdem use the same form and it will be forwarded to an independent peer reviewer for consideration, contact and next steps.

If your complaint is not a criminal offence but serious you may make a complaint to the Health & Disability Commissioner:

Phone 0800 112 233

If your complaint involves a criminal offence direct your complaint to the police and inform Lynne Holdem. Phone 111 for an emergency or 105 for a police non-emergency.

Lynne Holdem
Third Floor, Brougham House
Johnson Corner
50 Devon Street West
New Plymouth 4310

New Zealand

Location of Lynne’s office for scheduled appointments

Map location of 50 Devon Street West, New Plymouth