
acc providers

Read about the counsellors at LH&A, their practice & experience, and who may be a good fit for you


The Counsellors at
Lynne Holdem & Associates

Read about the different counsellors here at LH&A, their practice & experience,
and who may be a good fit for you.


Alex Jones

NZAC Registered
Post Grad Dip. in Counselling and Guidance
BA in Sociology
Currently completing Grad Dip. in Psychology 

Alex grew up in London and has lived and worked in New Zealand since 2008. He is a father of three young boys and has lived in Taranaki for four years now. Throughout his career, Alex has been fortunate to work in various fields, with a variety of different presenting problems. These include mental health, addiction, couples and family counselling, parenting difficulties, grief, trauma and violence prevention.

Alex strongly believes that people should feel safe and secure to tell their story in counselling; and leave feeling empowered to make the changes that they are needing. He believes that we as counsellors must listen carefully to those who come to talk and together find solutions to their problems.

photography by Tony Carter

photography by Tony Carter


“It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried”
— Carl Rogers

Deborah French

Registered Arts Therapist (AThR) MAAT (clinical) (First class Hons),
P.G DipTeaching, Registered Teacher,
B.A (Pol Stud/Ed Psych),
Advanced Dip Art and Creativity
Member of NZAC, ANZACATA and Teachers Council

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Taranaki toku maunga
Ko Te Henui toku awa
Ko Ngati Pākehā toku iwi
Ko Deborah French toku ingoa

I am a clinical Arts Therapist and Counsellor. Arts therapy is a form of Psychotherapy. My practice and therapeutic style follow in the tradition of person-centred therapy which honours you as the expert in your own experiences. Working through a trauma-informed and responsive lens, I draw from a range of therapeutic models such as solution-focussed, positive psychology, Hakomi, ACT, internal family systems, somatic approaches and attachment theory.
My intention is to create a safe space where aspects of your life and emotional experience can be attended to and explored gently in a supportive way using both talk therapy and a creative lens. Generally our time together starts with traditional ‘talk’ therapy until confidence and trust are established.

I invite into therapy what is spoken as well as that which has no words and is felt, created, dreamed, and symbolized. I will encourage and work alongside you to find and explore ways to express yourself at your own pace. Authentic and supportive relationship is at the heart of how clients and I work together to increase capacity to manage everyday life, notice, explore and develop deeper awareness and curiosity of the self. I believe that approaching ourselves and others with curiosity and compassion leads to deeper understanding and growth. Our time together will be confidential, respectful, and collaborative.

I have been working with children, adolescents, adults and families for over 30 years in primary, intermediate, high schools, special education, alternative education and residential settings as a teacher and more recently as an Arts Therapist/Counsellor. I have also worked as an Arts Therapist/Counsellor in palliative care supporting the terminally ill, carers, bereaved and their whanāu.

“Feeling real is more than existing; it is finding a way to exist as oneself... and to have a self into which to retreat for relaxation.”
— Donald Woods Winnicott

Lilith Zieltjes

Fully qualified Arts Therapist
Dance & Movement Therapist
Professional Member of ANZACATA
Provisional member of Dance Therapists Australasia Association (DTAA)
ACC and WINZ registered.

Lilith holds a Masters degree in Arts Therapy as well as an Advanced Clinical Diploma in Dance and Movement Therapy. She has completed training in complex trauma and dissociative disorders through ISSTD (International Society for Trauma and Dissociation). 

Lilith strongly believes in humans as physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual beings. Through trauma we are separated from our soul, body and emotions. We need to connect to all parts of ourselves to be whole. 

“The way I work is very much about connecting with the knowledge, wisdom and strengths held in our bodies. My therapy is informed by my studies into trauma, using current and relevant psychological therapeutic modalities blended with the Creative Arts and Movement therapy.”

What is Arts Therapy?

 Arts Therapy is the therapeutic use of the creative process to enable and assist personal growth and healing. 

An arts therapist uses many forms of creativity like drama, movement, writing, clay sculpture as well as painting and drawing. To become an Arts Therapist in New Zealand, a masters in arts therapy is required (MAAT (Clinical)). Arts Therapists are recognized by WINZ and ACC along with psychotherapists, psychologists and counsellors, as trained professionals able to work with and assist in healing trauma.  

Arts Therapists use talk therapy as well as nonverbal and creative techniques in their sessions. We are trained in all current psychological frameworks as well as frameworks specific to Aotearoa. 

Arts Therapists are not art teachers.  
An art teacher focuses on teaching students techniques to help them make the very best piece of art the student can. In other words, they are focused on the product.

An Arts Therapist works with the client with a focus on using the process of creating to explore and express emotions and psychological issues. Arts Therapists will only offer technical art instruction if it assists the therapeutic goals of the session. Arts Therapists, in other words, are interested in process not product

Anyone can go to an Arts Therapist. We do not only work with those who are ‘good at art’. Curiosity is more important than talent. 


Margaret Smith

Ko Ingarani, ko Scotland nga whenua tupuna.

I whanua mai ki Waitara.

Kei Waitara te kainga.

E rua nga Tamariki, ko Ngapuhi ta raua iwi.

Margaret has lived her life in Waitara and is committed to helping Taranaki communities heal. She has worked on education and counselling to prevent various forms of abuse for most of her adult life. She loves to facilitate counseling conversations where people fully reflect on themselves, hear each other and consider new perspectives. Her counseling philosophy is to empower people to rediscover the person they were born to be, to live the life they dream of, to treat themselves as their best most treasured friend and to move on from stuck patterns that cause further pain.

photograph by Tony Carter

photograph by Tony Carter

“Wisdom is when the infinite captures the mind; madness is when the finite imprisons the mind”
— Neville Symington, 2012

Jess Lamb

Bachelor of Health Science - Counselling
Cert. Foundations for Chaplaincy Studies
Provisional Member NZAC

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Ingarangi
te whakapaparanga mai
Ko Tāmaki Makaurau te whenua tupu
Ko Taranaki te kāinga
Kei Whakaahurangi au e noho ana
Ko Jesscynta Lamb au
Tēnā tātou katoa!

I am fortunate to live in the heart of Taranaki, nestled under Taranaki Maunga, with my partner and our three beloved pets. As a counsellor my hope is to provide a welcoming and ethical therapeutic environment that provides you with conditions that nurture your wellbeing and growth. I value holding a gentle, open, and playful approach, where I enjoy drawing upon person-centred, strengths-based, narrative, polyvagal, creative-expressive and tikanga-based therapeutic models to find out what feels helpful for you, at your own pace and in accordance with your hopes and needs. Over the years, I have worked in a range of positions in health, community and education settings, where I have appreciated supporting a diverse range of people. I believe that counselling should be a safe, and accessible service for everyone and so I seek to be mindful here and make accommodations around this. I am also committed to ongoing learning, undertaking regular professional development and welcome your feedback each step of this journey.


Dr Robert Shaw

Doctor of Philosophy (Phenomenology, Auckland)
Master of Philosophy (Developmental Psychology, Auckland)
Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Arts (Educational Psychology)
Certificate in Health Sciences (Interpersonal Psychotherapy) (Otago)
Candidate for the Advanced Clinical Practice award of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists

Tēnā koutou katoa

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your situation. I will listen to you and seek to understand you. Together we will find a way ahead for you. Some people need a little help to find their way, others want to undertake therapy. I make no assumptions about you or your needs.

If you face immediate problems we might use the insights from solution-focussed counselling or guidance. If your main concern involves your relationships with people, I generally prefer the methods of interpersonal psychotherapy. If you want to look deeply into yourself to gain insights into your thoughts, emotions and actions, dynamic psychotherapy may be right for you. We will determine your goals together and then consider the methods that are likely to assist you.

I am a registered psychotherapist and an ACC Provider. I work in New Plymouth, Ōpunake and online.

Nāku noa, nā